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Bahari bag was inspired by the coastal beaches. The bag is made of cotton materials from Kenya and hessian on the top front and lower level is kitenge.
KSh 3,500.00 -
It is made of Denim material
Has two compartments
Has one pocket on the sideKSh 3,000.00 -
Material ; pure leather
color ; pure black
Texture ; durable and strongKSh 12,500.00 -
Where Tradition Meets Contemporary Style: Embrace the Timeless Beauty of Leather and Kitenge in this Unique Bag
KSh 15,500.00 -
Accessorize with artistry, explore our collection of beaded leather wallets for ladies made with pure leather and beaded art giving it a stylish look.
KSh 4,500.00 -
Multi-colored kitenge backpack with an African print.
Has one compartment with a pocket on the side.
Comes with different sizes.
We customize according to the client’s specifications.KSh 3,000.00 -
Quality canvas material.
Has a main compartment and another on the side
Has strong zippers with genuine leather linings
Has decorative gold and silver-coated rings on the side
Has a strong canvas strap
Has an African print interior liningKSh 4,500.00 -